Home Travel News Travel News: The 100ml rule is back at UK airports. Why?

Travel News: The 100ml rule is back at UK airports. Why?

Six UK airports have been trailing the new scanners, turns out that the CT scanners make mistakes.

by Sharron Livingston

You could almost detect that national sigh of relief by travellers at the news that the 100ml liquid rule was being eased when passing through airport security. Just six months later, the easing has to be abandoned at a time when a record number of people are travelling.

From Sunday 9 June 2024 UK airports are again be processing travellers’ hand luggage in the old way – removing liquids and gels, when passing through security,

The reason is that the high-tech CT scanners – computed tomography used in medical scanners – make mistakes. Mundane liquids like sunscreen are interpreted as dangerous substances. This means more bags must be checked causing a larger backlog than usual at security.

The transport secretary, Mark Harper, said airline passengers should “check with their airport what the rules are” on carrying liquids over 100ml amid some confusion over the restrictions.

“The announcement we’ve made, which comes into force from midnight Sunday 9th June, actually only affects six regional airports and about 6% of those travelling.

“For most passengers, actually, the rules haven’t changed at all yet and won’t therefore change tonight. People should just check with their airport what the rules are, or the processes are, at a particular airport.

“We’ve reintroduced that rule while updates and changes are made to the scanning equipment at airports to make sure we can continue delivering our world-leading levels of aviation security. It’s a temporary measure and we will set out when that can be reversed in due course.”

The last time the words “temporary measure” were used was in 2006 after a foiled terrorist plot and this has remained in place for eighteen years. 

The old rules have been reimposed at midnight on Sunday 9th, and affect passengers travelling from London City, Aberdeen, Newcastle, Leeds Bradford, Southend and Teesside airports. 

We have also had reports that Birmingham airport is experiencing longer than usual queues.

Current rules

You can carry 10 x 100ml liquids in a transparent bag. This has to be removed from hand luggage, and placed into containers to pass through.






SharonC Jun 13, 2024 - 10:44 am

You’ve left out Birmingham Airport! Massive issues there because of this

Alan Bowen Jun 13, 2024 - 10:52 am

Birmingham Airport is using the change as an excuse, the queues have ben there for weeks caused by an inability to organise building works outside the Peak period

Sharron Livingston
Sharron Livingston Jun 13, 2024 - 10:46 am

SharonC what is your experience there?

Wendy Eades Jun 13, 2024 - 2:32 pm

Yes Birmingham is a nightmare because they’re busy building on the floor upstairs where passengers normally queue so we had to queue for 2.5 hours, some of that outside – ridiculous! And they’d had the scanners installed but not signed off so the 100ml rule was still in place anyway. It’s ridiculous that they can’t get this right after 18 years! Is it that the technology isn’t there – or that it costs too much?!


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