Throughout the year I find my inbox filled with surveys answering questions I had never thought to ask. And though there may be interesting information contained in these snapshots of life, I have to admit to suffering from Survey Zone-out.
Yet I find that there is a lingering FOMA (fear of missing out) feeling – a sign of modern times perhaps? And so for those of you who feel the same way, I have delved right back in and eked out a round-up of the highlights.
Questions you never knew you needed the answer to:
- How many calories do you burn at an airport?
- Can you identify Morocco or Kazakhstan on a world map?
- Which are the most popular short break cities around New Year?
- When do you book your summer holidays?
- At which age do you really get the most out of a holiday?
- Who is better at organising holidays: men or women?
- What are Brits concerned with most when on holiday?
- Which photos are most popular on social media?
- Are Brits clumsier on the slopes than the Dutch?
- How often do you holiday with your partner?
- Who do you text most?
We burn 550 calories at airports but consume 2,700

People waiting in line at the airport (c) flickr/Harsha K R
Apparently walking around the airport is a fantastic workout. Jetcost say you can burn around 550 calories dragging suitcases into the airport and running to the gate. But, wait for it, we consume 2,700 more calories while hanging around to board with food, alcohol and snacks. [top]
Brits are terrible at geography
This one perplexed me as I know that Brits are the most intrepid travellers on the planet; except maybe for the Germans. Yet according to Bolsover Cruise Club more than 80 per cent of those surveyed could not identify Morocco or Kazakhstan on a world map and more than 60 per cent had no clue where Peru or Japan are.
The company also uncovered that most Brits had no idea what the currency of Dubai (Dirham), Croatia (Kuna), Iceland (Króna), Norway (Krone) and Puerto Rico (Dolar) are. Conversely most knew that the Dollar is used in Canada, the Krona in Sweden, the Peso in Mexico, the Euro in the Netherlands and interestingly that the Yuan Renminbi is used in China. [top]
Short break searches
Collating information about the destinations we search for online is a pretty accurate barometer of what’s popular. Progressive Money has researched top European city break destinations searched for between the last week of December 2016 and first weeks of January in 2017, as people opted for last minute New Year’s Eve and early New Year mini breaks.
Amsterdam was top of the league of searches followed closely by Paris, Barcelona, Berlin and Prague at 5th place. Will we do the same again this year? [top]
Summer holidays are booked during working hours
Vouchercloud have uncovered our behaviour patterns when booking a holiday. A vast 30 per cent of employees cheekily book them during office hours especially so in the winter months. And when they do, it usually happens on Tuesdays which incidentally is when the most extravagant holidays are booked. The cheapest holidays are booked on a Saturday. It’s very telling isn’t it? [top]
It takes Brits until the age of 31 to really get the most out of a holiday
So say Virgin Holidays who have managed to reflect the ageing process through holiday preferences. A third of “care-free” 18 to 29 year olds are keen to sunbathe, 29 per cent want vibrant nightlife and around a quarter want the chance to be independent. And more people from this age group – 25 per cent – favour adventure holidays than any other age demographic.
As we reach our thirties, all we want is a quiet moment to read a book say 25 per cent, while 27 per cent want to do “as little as possible”.
Though once in our forties we want to get off the beaten track, nearly a fifth are interested in wine and cocktails and two in five prefer a city break.
Twenty-seven per cent of those in their fifties want to learn something new when holidaying and 30 per cent favour cultural holidays the most.
Three in ten over sixty year olds want to meet interesting people when getting away and are the biggest advocates of multiple destination trips, group tours and cruises.
Do you recognise yourself? [top]
⇒ Read also: 8 Reasons To Encourage You To Travel
Two thirds of women think they are better at organising holidays than their partner
Well, this one brought to us by Airport Parking & Hotels is not really a surprise is it? But since they went to the trouble of collating the information I may as well share it. They say that women shop for last minute holiday essentials and are in charge of passports and excursions. Meanwhile men pack the car and sort out airport transport. Feminists… I’m just the messenger. [top]
⇒ Read also: Women decide when it comes to choosing holidays
Britons more concerned about free Wi-Fi and English food than local activities on holiday
Really? According to VoucherCodesPro, Britons expect unlimited free Wi-Fi and plenty of English food on offer when on holiday, with these things taking precedence over beautiful scenic surroundings and plenty of local activities. And they want to be in close proximity of the airport. Although, many wanted scenic surroundings for taking photos which probably translates to bragging on social media.
Incidentally the same company also produced another survey that offered this nugget of insight: three-quarters of Britons exercise whilst on holiday, though only 1 In 5 do so at home. [top]
Pictures of sunrises and sunsets appear the most on instagram and social media
Everyone loves to watch the sun rise and set. It’s a moment of intense wonderment. This survey by On the Go Tours reveals which are the most hashtagged. Turns out that New York is king and Italy hits the spot in Florence, Naples and Milan for sunsets.
The most popular sunrises were New York followed by Berlin, Chicago, Munich and Cork. And the most popular sunsets were New York, Denpasar in Indonesia, Umm as Sugaym, UAE, Teluknarat in Indonesia and Barcelona in Spain. [top]
⇒ Visit our Instagram page for plenty of beautiful sunset and sunrise photos
Are Brits clumsier on the slopes than the Dutch?
In case you ever pondered this question, you are in luck; Alpineresorts investigated and here are the results: The Dutch, followed by the Germans, are the biggest and heaviest skiers. French skiers have the lowest average body mass index (BMI), Brits are most likely to return damaged equipment. And… most skiers are called Thomas. [top]
⇒ Check out our ski guides and reviews
Couples who holiday together once a year are happier, more intimate and argue less
Any couples who holidayed together this year will be pleased to hear that, according to the results of new research by Sunshine the benefits of doing so are plentiful.
Those couples who went away on holiday together at least once per year said they argued “infrequently’ in their relationship (81 per cent). However, 72 per cent of those who hardly ever or never went on holiday with their partner said that they argued with their other half “very often”.
This one is probably a no-brainer so take heed because you may end up like those in the next survey. [top]
Brits send 10,296 texts every year
This is a staggering figure but what is more shocking is that most are to people in the same house: “can you bring me a cup of tea” and “do you fancy sex tonight” and even “I love you”. Sometimes the recipient is in the same room. This useful piece of insight comes from Broadbandchoices and if this you then surely it’s time to book a holiday. [top]